Trainee Travel Awards l Pathology Awards l Bacteriology Awards l Virology Awards l JVDI Awards l Molecular Diagnostics & BioInformatics Presentations


AAVLD General Award Opportunities

AAVLD Trainee Travel Awards Trainees in a Master's, Ph.D., or residency program enrolled in all disciplines in veterinary diagnostic medicine, including epidemiology, immunology, microbiology (bacteriology, food safety, mycology, and virology), molecular diagnostics, parasitology, pathology, and toxicology, are encouraged to apply. 

The $1,750 travel awards are intended to help defray the cost of travel and lodging to attend the AAVLD meeting. The Trainee Travel Awards are funded by the AAVLD Foundation and are intended to fulfill the recruitment and education mission of the AAVLD Foundation by encouraging trainee excellence in their diagnostic discipline, developing trainee presentation skills (verbal, written, organizational), and promoting networking of trainees with veterinary laboratory diagnosticians.  NOTE:  Some travel awards are funded or co-funded by individual AAVLD Committees. The AAVLD Pathology Committee is contributing $ 875 each to three of the top pathology-related abstracts submitted. 


Archived AAVLD Awardees list

DVM Student Attendance Awards Veterinary diagnostic DVM students in any discipline, including epidemiology, immunology, microbiology (bacteriology, food safety, mycology, and virology), molecular diagnostics, parasitology, pathology, and toxicology, are encouraged to apply. The $599 attendance awards are intended to help defray the cost of travel and lodging to attend the AAVLD Annual Meeting.

AAVLD Best Graduate Student Presentation Awards (oral and poster presentations): The AAVLD encourages trainees in all disciplines of veterinary diagnostic medicine to compete for the best oral and best poster presentation awards. The purpose of the award is to encourage trainee excellence in their diagnostic discipline and to develop trainee presentation skills (verbal, written, and organizational).

Four winners will be selected, and the awards will be given during the AAVLD Annual Meeting, 1st place is $500.00 2nd place is $300.00 for the best oral presentation. 1st place $500.00 and 2nd place $300.00 for best poster presentation. The recipient of each award will receive a monetary award. The AAVLD Awards Committee will select the awardees and they will be announced during the joint AAVLD/USAHA Keynote speaker and Award Luncheon during the annual meeting.





Abstract Submission and Travel Award Application 

Submit the Abstract and apply for the Travel Award. Abstract submission opens March 1, 2024



2025 Plenary Speakers