SPONSOR & EXHIBITOR OPPORTUNITIESExhibitor Prospectus l Sponsorship Prospectus 2025 AAVLD/USAHA Annual MeetingGaylord Rockies Resort & Convention CenterAurora, ColoradoMeeting dates: October 29- November 5, 2025Show dates: November 1-2, 2025AAVLD is back to a 100% in-person gathering for the first time since the start of the Pandemic. With the incredible turnout at last year’s meeting in Minneapolis, MN, we expect even better attendance at this year’s Annual Meeting. AAVLD is presenting an opportunity for exhibitors to display their latest veterinary laboratory supplies, equipment, and services to our meeting attendees. These meeting attendees are generally responsible for approving supply and equipment orders for state, federal, or private laboratories, agencies, and offices. AAVLD meets in conjunction with the U.S. Animal Health Association (USAHA) and their combined memberships attract more than 1,200 people to the annual meetings. Below is a general breakdown of our attendee types: University Diagnosticians/Researchers: 36%
CONTACT: Kaylin Taylor, Exhibit Coordinator Taylor Made Event Company, LLC 371 West Holly Drive Orange City, FL 32763 Phone: 386-490-7803 Fax: 386-218-6129 E-Mail: [email protected] Sponsorship Opportunities
AAVLD is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the advancement of veterinary diagnostic laboratory science and the education of the next generation of laboratory diagnosticians. Your sponsorship helps us achieve these goals as well as exposes your company to AAVLD members. Wouldn’t you please consider sponsoring one or more of the following?
AWELCOME!2025 Plenary Speakers