

Model Abstract



Thank you for considering submitting an abstract for presentation of your work at the 2024 AAVLD Annual Meeting. This year, our meeting will be on-site presentations (Nashville, Tennessee). All scientific session presenters (on-site) applying for an award will be required to submit a recording of their presentation via Zoom or PowerPoint formats. The recordings will be available to all registrants (on-site) during the meeting by accessing the AAVLD website CE library. A standard one-page written abstract is also required from all scientific presenters and poster presenters; and will be placed in the annual meeting proceedings. 

Clarivate Analytics ScholarOne is the official AAVLD provider of online abstract submission and management services. If you are a current AAVLD member and have previously submitted an abstract, you can submit your abstract for the 2024 meeting by logging in to the AAVLD 2024 Abstract Submission Site  with your User ID and Password. For non-members, or if you did not receive an email from Scholar One containing your User ID and Password, follow the instructions on the website for creating a new account. After logging in, follow the online instructions to submit your abstract. The ScholarOne portal will be open as of March 1, 2024.

Abstract Review Process

All abstracts will be reviewed for acceptability by the Program Committee. Guidelines for format and style are given below.  A model example abstract can be viewed by selecting model abstract. Notification of acceptance will occur by email within a few weeks of the abstract submission deadline.

AAVLD Abstract Submission Style Rules

  • Type or copy and paste the title and body of your abstract into the boxes below.
  • Enter the title in sentence case (mixed case). Do not put the title in quotation marks. The title should be bold.
  • Special characters: in most cases, Greek letters and other special characters will transfer from your word processing software. The Special Character Palette button is available in the formatting bar if you need a special character that you are unable to find in your Word processor.
  • There is a limit of 3000 characters (approximately 400 words), including spaces, for the text of your submission. Title, authors, and institutions will not be counted.
  • Please ensure you check your abstract carefully for any spelling or grammatical errors. Also make sure that no author information is included with the title or narrative section, as that is collected elsewhere on the form. Please be sure to include the email address of the corresponding author when entering the author’s information.
  • Press the “Save” button at any time to review character usage for this submission.


Consider Publication in the Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation (JVDI), the official journal of the AAVLD:

We encourage all submitters to also consider submitting their work to the JVDI for peer-review publication. Best JVDI Best Full Scientific Report $250.00 and Best JVDI Best Brief Report $250.00 cash award. This must be done independently, and instructions are posted on the JVDI website

Submitting Recordings

For consideration of presentation awards, presentation recordings are required to be submitted by September 4, 2024. Only those applying for awards need to submit a presentation recording. Abstracts will only be considered for awards in relevant categories. For example, only abstracts with gross, histopathology, or cytology/clinical pathology data will be considered for a pathology award. The presentation should be via Zoom or PowerPoint format 12 minutes in length maximum.  Submit your recordings to Kaylin Taylor and please follow the Instructions for Recording / Submitting Oral Presentations.  

Oral Presentation Instructions

Poster Presentation Instructions

AAVLD Annual Awards


The AAVLD is soliciting applications for the following AAVLD Awards:

AAVLD Trainee Travel Awards Trainees in a Master's, Ph.D., or residency program enrolled in all disciplines of veterinary diagnostic medicine, including epidemiology, immunology, microbiology (bacteriology, food safety, mycology, and virology), molecular diagnostics, parasitology, pathology, and toxicology, are encouraged to apply.

The $1,750 travel awards are intended to help defray the cost of travel and lodging to attend the AAVLD meeting. The Trainee Travel Awards are funded by the AAVLD Foundation and are intended to fulfill the recruitment and education mission of the AAVLD Foundation by encouraging trainee excellence in their diagnostic discipline, developing trainee presentation skills (verbal, written, organizational), and promoting networking of trainees with veterinary laboratory diagnosticians. NOTE: Some travel awards are funded or co-funded by individual AAVLD Committees. The AAVLD Pathology Committee is contributing $875 each to three of the top pathology-related abstracts submitted.

DVM Student Attendance Awards Veterinary diagnostic DVM students in any discipline, including epidemiology, immunology, microbiology (bacteriology, food safety, mycology, and virology), molecular diagnostics, parasitology, pathology, and toxicology, are encouraged to apply. The $599 attendance awards are intended to help defray the cost of travel and lodging to attend the AAVLD     Annual Meeting.

AAVLD/ACVM Dr. David Bemis Microbiology Trainee Travel Award (oral or poster presentation): This $1,000 travel award will go to a graduate student or microbiology resident trainee submitting an abstract to the annual meeting about clinical microbiology and/or antimicrobial resistance. This is a competitive award, and the winner will be determined based on the quality of the abstract.

AAVLD Best Graduate Student Presentation Awards (oral and poster presentations): The AAVLD encourages trainees in all disciplines of veterinary diagnostic medicine to compete for the best oral and best poster presentation awards. The purpose of the awards is to encourage trainee excellence in their diagnostic discipline and to develop trainee presentation skills (verbal, written, and organizational).

Two winners will be selected, and the awards given during the AAVLD Annual Meeting, one for best oral presentation and one for best poster presentation. The recipient of each award for 1st place will receive $500, and 2nd place will receive a $300 cash prize. The AAVLD Awards Committee will select the awardees and they will be announced during the joint AAVLD/USAHA Joint awards luncheon during the annual meeting.

J. Lindsay Oaks Best Student Molecular Biology Presentation Award (oral or poster presentation): The AAVLD invites interested trainees to submit oral or poster presentations relating to molecular biology in veterinary diagnostics. This award for an amount up to $500 is given to the student delivering the best oral or poster presentation on a molecular biological topic at the AAVLD annual meeting. All molecular biology oral and poster trainee presenters are eligible.

Richard Walker Best Student Bacteriology Presentation Award (oral presentation): The AAVLD Bacteriology Committee invites interested trainees to submit an oral presentation relating to bacteriology in veterinary diagnostics. This competitive award is for an amount of up to $500 and is given to the winning student delivering the best oral presentation on a bacteriology topic at the AAVLD annual CE meeting. All bacteriology oral presentation trainee presenters are eligible.

Brenda Love Best Student Bacteriology Poster Award (poster presentations): The AAVLD invites interested trainees to submit poster presentations relating to bacteriology in veterinary diagnostics. This award for an amount up to $500 is given to the student delivering the best poster presentation on a bacteriology topic at the AAVLD annual CE meeting. All bacteriology poster trainee presenters are eligible to apply.

AAVLD Diagnostic Pathology Slide Seminar Awards (slide seminar presentation): This competition has a separate open and close date for submission. Abstract submission opens June 1st and closes July 31st. The AAVLD Pathology Committee is providing awards to the top 3 presenters at this seminar. First, Second and Third Place awards will be $300, $200, and $100, respectively. These awards will not be in the proceedings book because they will be determined based on the presentations during the annual meeting. Award selection will be coordinated by the AAVLD ScholarOne abstract central.

AAVLD/ACVP Diagnostic Pathology Award for Residents/Graduate Students The AAVLD and the American College of Veterinary Pathologists (ACVP) encourage trainees in veterinary pathology to participate in the annual meetings of both organizations. The AAVLD/ACVP Diagnostic Pathology Award for Residents/Graduate Students will be presented to a graduate student and/or veterinary pathology resident for the best oral presentation, in the field of veterinary pathology, given at the annual AAVLD meeting. The intention is to support the travel of the winner to re-present the award-winning presentation at the next annual ACVP meeting. ACVP has a reciprocal award.

  • The awardee will receive $1,000 from the AAVLD pathology committee to help defray travel and lodging costs associated with attending the ACVP annual meeting of the following year. The award winner must present the award-winning presentation at the ACVP meeting of the following year to receive the award. The award will be given to the award winner following the submission of the abstract to the ACVP meeting.
  • The recipient will be granted a waiver for the ACVP meeting registration fee.
  • The presentation must represent the original work of the applicant completed during his/her residency or graduate program.
  • Ten or more oral presentations will be invited from abstracts submitted for the Diagnostic Pathology Focused Scientific Session at the ACVP Annual Meeting.
  • Abstract submission and award information is available on   submission site.

You may also access this information on the AAVLD website at hover over “Annual Conference Resources” and then click on the “Awards Opportunities” tab.

Tanya LeRoith, DVM, PhD, DACVP

2024 AAVLD Annual Meeting Program Chair


David Zeman, DVM, PhD, DACVP

Executive Director

American Association Of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians



2024 Plenary Speakers

Keynote speaker details coming soon...